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Present your fluid dynamics research to physicists from around the globe at the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting 2024 in Salt Lake City, UT.

Attendee presenting their research at a scientific session

Sorting categories

Choose from 40+ topics ranging from biological fluid dynamics to vortex dynamics and flows, from drops to flow instability, and much more.

Review the full sorting category list

Contributed abstracts for oral and poster presentations

Types of contributed presentations

Abstracts may be submitted either for oral presentations or poster presentations:

  • An oral presentation is delivered within a 13-minute timeframe: 10 minutes for the presentation; two minutes for the presenter Q&A; one minute to transition to the next speaker. At the 2024 DFD meeting, we will be piloting DFD-Interact sessions designed to provide higher visibility, a larger audience, and more in-depth interactions. Some abstracts submitted for oral contributions will be selected to be highlighted in these topically curated flash-talk poster sessions.
  • During a poster presentation, the presenter will stand with a poster displaying their research in a designated space and engage attendees one-on-one.


To submit an abstract, you must be an APS member or a member of a reciprocal society. You may only present one talk per presenter: oral, poster, or DFD-Interact presentation at DFD Meeting 2024. APS members may submit a contributed oral or poster abstract that lists a non-member as the presenter.

You must be logged into your APS web account to submit an abstract. If you do not have an account, you may create one.

The presenter must attend the meeting and give the presentation. The APS Program Committee, at its discretion, will accommodate author preferences regarding presentation type and schedule whenever possible.

Submitting multiple abstracts

APS can only accept one technical abstract per presenting author for the scientific program, whether it is an oral contributed, poster, or DFD-Interact presentation. You may present one additional oral abstract of a non-technical nature, on topics such as education and/or policy, at a session of broad concern to the physics community.

The APS Program Committee, at its discretion, may accept additional technical abstracts as poster presentations, if space is available.

Editing abstracts

Please proofread your abstract carefully before submitting it. You will be able to edit your abstract in the submission system up until the submission deadline.

Character limits

Contributed oral and poster abstracts are limited to approximately 1,300 characters.


Please do not attempt to override the system defaults by introducing your own formatting in your abstract. APS will only correct misspellings in the authors' names or affiliations. APS will not add additional authors or re-order the author list after the abstract submission deadline has passed.

Withdrawing a contributed abstract

You may withdraw your contributed abstract online before the abstract submission deadline. After the deadline, please contact the APS Abstract Help team.

Accepted abstracts

If your abstract is accepted, you will receive an email in early September 2024 from APS notifying you that your abstract has been placed in the program. You are then responsible for confirming the session date, time, and requesting any necessary changes. You may do so by contacting the APS Abstract Help team.

All presenters are required to register to attend DFD Meeting 2024.

Minisymposia and Focus session abstract submissions

If you have been invited to give a talk at a Minisymposium or Focus session, please submit your abstract under the corresponding sorting category.

If you wish to submit a contributed talk for consideration to be included in a Focus session, please submit your abstract under the corresponding sorting category. Your talk may be assigned to a regular session instead if it is not selected by the minisymposium organizers.

Minisymposia and Focus session speakers must register to attend DFD Meeting 2024.

Invited speaker abstract submissions

APS members may be invited to present one scientific abstract at DFD Meeting 2024. Individual speakers will not be invited to speak at two consecutive DFD Meetings, e.g. an invited speaker who presented at DFD Meeting 2023 will not be invited to speak at DFD Meeting 2024.

Please review the speaker nomination instructions for more information.

Exceptions are made for speakers who will receive APS Prizes and Awards.

In addition to their invited talk, invited speakers may submit one contributed oral abstract or poster for the regular scientific program. APS will send out invited speaker letters with information about submitting abstracts and/or posters, as well as about registration.

Invited speakers must still register for DFD Meeting 2024. All invited speakers will receive the Early Bird Registration rate, no matter when they register.

Invited abstract guidelines


An invited abstract may only have the invitee as the author. APS suggests that the invitee credit collaborating researchers in a footnote within the paper. The invitee must deliver the paper, unless a replacement speaker is agreed upon beforehand, to APS Abstract Help.

Character limit

The limit for invited abstract text is approximately 2,000 characters.

Submitting multiple invited abstracts

If you are submitting an invited abstract, you may also submit one contributed oral abstract or poster for the regular scientific program.

Withdrawing an invited abstract

If you accept an invitation to present but are later unable to do so, please contact APS Abstract Help.

Presentation time

At DFD Meeting 2024, an invited paper is expected to have 25 minutes for presentation time, plus 10 minutes for questions.

Tips and advice

When considering how best to submit your abstract and present your research, you may want to review the following APS resources:

Questions about abstract submissions

If you have specific questions about the abstract submission process for DFD Meeting 2024, please contact APS Meetings.

More information

Attendees and presenters

Join your colleagues in fluid dynamics and present your research in Salt Lake City, Utah.

About APS DFD Meeting 2024

Learn about the APS DFD Meeting 2024 with 3,500 scientists and students from around the globe.

Publish your paper in Physical Review Fluids

Present at DFD and publish your work in our acclaimed Physical Review journals, including Physical Review Fluids.